Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 1: Tuesday,  July 30, 2013

The team left home at 4am. Mr. Kaiser, our supportive principal, gave us an escort to the Minneapolis airport. The plane ascended at 7:25am; descended into Boston, Massachusetts at 11:00am. We landed safely on land that looks much like Wisconsin, very green but hidden on the other side of the trees were beautiful beaches and the Atlantic Ocean. We rented a medium sized automobile and were surprised with a Toyota Rav4 to travel across the countryside in pursuit of our educational plans. First stop... Cape Cod and a seafood lunch. We collected treasures from the beach for our second and third graders. Next, we traveled to Plymouth, MA; checked into the Radisson hotel; and prepared for our first museum/monuments. The Plimoth Grist Mill was amazing! The history behind the mill intrigued us. We took numerous pictures and had a knowledgeable miller answer all of our questions so that we can accurately communicate this process to the community. Continuing to the original site of the first fort built in 1621, we were in awe with the heroes of the past. Finally, we viewed a 'tall', eighty one foot to be exact, Forefathers Monument that had intricate details and inspirational words about our country. We were delighted to observe the importance of education in Early America, along with law, liberty and faith as each of these words were etched in the monument. The night concluded with a late dinner and early to bed due to our exciting upcoming days at the Plimoth Plantation

Questions of the Day:
What material is the Forefathers Monument carved from?

What did Mrs. Bell and Mrs. K. have for lunch?

What did Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Hellmann have for lunch?

What kind of grain was ground at the Plimoth Grist Mill?

*Answers available tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Mom *Mrs.K* had a lobster roll for lunch!!

    And I'm betting the grain ground at the Plimoth Grist Mill isn't corn.
