Saturday, August 3, 2013

Day 5: Old Sturbridge Village

Good day to you from Old Sturbridge Village!  Today, we had the pleasure of interacting with Rebels and Redcoats dressed in full costume! Historical highlights are as follows:
·         The largest military reenactment in New England with nearly 1,000 soldiers portraying British, Irish, Spanish, Scottish, French, and Colonial troops! 
·         We toured the camps and witnessed the mock skirmishes.
·         The battle field hospital sites were interesting with their treatment of wounds after the battles. Mrs. Phillips was a mock-patient!
·         Loud cannons and gunshots rang through our ears during the battle.
·         We observed the troops being inspected by the military leaders.

In addition, TCE teachers interacted with village life. There was so much to see! We will share some favorites!
·         Tin Punching
·         Candle dipping
·         Explored village careers: shoemaker(cobbler), blacksmith, cooper, potter, teacher, printer, tin crafter, farmer, doctor/surgeon, weaver, storekeeper
·         Played village games: cup & ball, over the moon, trundling hoops, battledore/shuttlecock
·         Toured village homes and business; conversed with role players.
·         Had a lesson taught by a village teacher(which meant 'we' were the students); learned what merits were
·         Witnessed household chores such as: washing with a washboard, making butter, gardening, cooking meals, mending clothes, spinning wool, basket weaving

Day 4 Answers:

The life expectancy of a humpback whale is only a speculation of approximately 50 to 150 years old. Marine biologists do have an elaborate system for collecting data; in hopes of one day, being able to determine exact age.

False  The clothing of pilgrims rarely included black and neither the shoes or hat had a buckle. Clothing was very simple and could be colorful!

Mrs. Bell’s favorite activity at the Pilgrim Museum was the artifact scavenger hunt. She was not allowed to take pictures in order to protect the integrity of the artifacts. BUT, she has taken at least one thousand pictures EACH DAY!

Day 5 Questions:
Who won the battle of Rebels vs. Redcoats during the observed reenactment at Old Sturbridge Museum?

Why were the musicians' uniform opposite colors of their regiment?

What body part did Mrs. Phillips have "amputated" by the village doctor?

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